President’s Message – July 2019
Farewell Gavin Seidel
June 2019 was a significant month for The Geelong Business Club., as we said farewell to Gavin Seidel, who retired after an impressive eight years as The Club’s Executive Officer.
On behalf of all Club and Committee Members past and present, I would like to thank Gavin for his diligent service. Thanks to Gavin’s smooth running of the monthly dinners, his steady guidance at committee meetings, his fastidious record keeping, and solid secretarial support, The Club has a solid foundation foundation for the future. Please join me in wishing Gavin every enjoyment in his well-earned retirement.And as one chapter closes, another one opens…
I am delighted to welcome Stephanie Beitzel, who commenced as the Club’s new Executive Officer, on 1st July. Stephanie’s credentials are well-suited to the Club’s current and future requirements… She has worked in several membership organisations, both here and in the UK, and is also a business owner, and charity founder. Her particular strengths lie in marketing, communications, PR, IT / systems, member and stakeholder engagement, community building and strategy. Stephanie’s extensive networks in the entrepreneurial, tech, public and not-for-profit sectors also represent significant opportunity for The Club.
Please be sure to welcome Stephanie when you see her in person, and ESPECIALLY across GBC’s social media, where you will already see plenty plenty action – and opportunities to engage!